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I look taller than I am, people always think that they know me,I almost know how to speak Spanish, I always need 4 more cents in the line at 7-11, I love art though I can't draw, I like to travel but I hate to unpack, I like to stare at cats.

Monday, March 05, 2012


Woke up. Heard a small bird singing right outside my window on an electric wire. I love how he sang with complete abandon. No fear-no worry about his choice of melody or volume. He just opened his beak and began. Over and over again he sang. May as well have been atop a hundred year old mountain over an expanse of a yellowing field. How can he when the world beneath his miniature, black-clawed feet is so distracting? Something to remember when it's time for me to visualize purity and wonder during the practice of mindful awareness.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Bookstores and Books

Why do I continue to buy books when I have not one but two shelves of them in my office that I haven't even opened yet? Text books, art books, mystical books, books penned by their authors on the acknowledgement page, my own literary creations. An obsession? A nod to a form of childhood independence, or an unconscious radical spike to ensure that bookstores and books themselves remain alive and kicking?

What about the whole independence/childhood thing you may ask? Reading a book is private, no one can invade your imagination as you go on the ride the author creates for you. From Dr. Seuss, to Nancy Drew, to Charlotte's Web, to Lord of the Flies, to Watership Down; I dare someone to find an equally more random, mind-expanding, non-sequitur pursuit of growth. Thank goodness I wasn't saddled with parents afraid of the ideas nestled between a books cover. I wasn't policed by Puritan-lite parents who attempt to mold their children's development and individuality while arresting their mental expansion by pre-selecting their titles.

Absurdly enough, this same group of do-gooders make absolutely sure that Johnny has all of the latest technology that Apple has to offer so that he doesn't feel poor and (or) underprivileged. I go one step further in suspecting that a number of these parents are unaware of the capabilities and promise of the shiny new object they just purchased for Johnny. Johnny on the other hand is sure. Which is why an I-Pad 2 may be more dangerous than reading "Tropic of Cancer."

A thought.