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I look taller than I am, people always think that they know me,I almost know how to speak Spanish, I always need 4 more cents in the line at 7-11, I love art though I can't draw, I like to travel but I hate to unpack, I like to stare at cats.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I've been gone for a really long time. What happened to my dedication? What happened to my work ethic? What happened to my money? Well I'm back, having received yet another rejection, from yet another agent. Now how is that supposed to make me feel? I'm really not sure. But one thing I am sure about is that it makes me feel like an artist. A person who has handed a total stranger their complete soul, all of their inner workings and hidden secrets, only to be told (in a very professional way of course) "it's not for me sorry, maybe in your next life." Well, I return to the keyboard, on a new computer with new ideas and even more enthusiasm. Possibly I possess a sickness called optimism, but more likely I realize that I'm done anyway. If one person read my book and enjoyed it I'm going to finish the second draft of the sequel and have it finished by summer. Crazy hunh?


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